Cooperation Partners
Cooperation Partners
Cooperation Partners legally join the EIT Culture & Creativity Association (EIT CCSI e.V) as extraordinary members. They have an observer role at the General Assembly, without a voting right.
As a Cooperation Partner, you may:
- Engage with partners and stakeholders across Europe.
- Benefit from free and discounted tickets to EIT Culture & Creativity events.
- Use the Talent Pool to support your recruitment processes and search for talent.
- Be up to date with KIC activities, and get special insights and knowledge about KIC programmes and activities.
- Position yourself for project consortia and business partnerships.
- Propose topics and debates about challenges and opportunities of CCSI.
Becoming a Cooperation Partner entails the following obligations:
- Adherence to the EIT Culture & Creativity Articles of Association, By-Laws and internal rules, including Code of Conduct and Anti-fraud Strategy.
- Paying the annual fee.