EIT Culture & Creativity launched a public call for expert evaluators on 16 January 2023, open for registry until 31 March 2023. We called for evaluators with expertise in areas related to our Strategic Objectives to support the evaluation and selection process for the open call for proposals for activities to be included as part of the KIC’s business plan for 2024-2025.
We are thrilled to have received 1015 submissions of potential expert evaluators across Europe and beyond. We received registrations from all EU-27 countries. Italy and Spain are the most represented countries of residence with 147 and 113 experts registered, respectively. Followed by Germany (80), France (61) and Portugal (54). Furthermore, experts residing in all five continents registered. The expert evaluator call attracted potential candidates living in different countries in Asia (17 countries), Africa (11), America (9), Europe (non-EU, 9) and Oceania (1).
The 60% of the experts registered identify as women, and 28% are affiliated to SMEs or startups.
How does the expert pool work?
Registration into the database does not guarantee selection for evaluating any applications. The selection process is based on the specificities of the proposals to be evaluated, and individual expert’s areas of expertise. Additional considerations may be based on geographical, sector, and gender balance.
If selected for a specific evaluation assignment, EIT Culture & Creativity staff will contact you to confirm your suitability and availability. Prior to any work assignment, experts will be issued a service agreement with guidelines coverin:; description of the tasks, duration, location (remote for the evaluation in 2023), timelines, remuneration rates, and reimbursement/payment methods. This also includes the Code of Conduct as well as the Conflict of Interest form for each assignment to be reviewed and signed.
What to expect next?
The first round of contacts with potential expert evaluators will occur between the 24th April and 30th April 2023. Only potential experts preselected that match the call expertise and other criteria will be contacted to check availability and other suitability criteria.
What if you are not contacted?
If you are not contacted during this period, it means you were not preselected for this round of calls. But do not worry! This expert pool database will be valid for the next 36 months. You will remain in the EIT Culture & Creativity Expert pool database, and there will be plenty of evaluation opportunities in the coming years.
The terms and conditions of the expert evaluators call are downloadable in the published call document here:
We are grateful for your interest and enthusiasm in supporting EIT Culture & Creativity, and we look forward to working with you in the future.
If you have further questions on the Call for evaluators, please contact us through
About EIT Culture & Creativity
EIT Culture & Creativity is the ninth Innovation Community by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union. It is designed to strengthen and transform Europe’s Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) by connecting creatives and organisations to Europe’s largest innovation network. It takes a holistic and open approach to innovation – from tech to artistic driven innovations, from business to citizen driven – and reinforces the appreciation and anchoring of European values and identities. EIT Culture & Creativity will unlock latent value from a multitude of small CCSI stakeholders through technology transfer, improved cross-sectoral collaboration and their effective integration in production value networks. EIT Culture & Creativity will support technology and business innovation; artistic innovation and social innovation. It will also harness the unique position of the CCSI to facilitate the Triple Transitions in Europe – green, digital and social.
About The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
The EIT is Europe’s largest innovation ecosystem bringing together close to 3,000 partners from top business, research and education organisations across Europe in over 80 innovation hubs. The EIT strengthens Europe’s ability to innovate by powering solutions to pressing global challenges and by nurturing entrepreneurial talent to create sustainable growth and skilled jobs in Europe. The EIT is an EU body and an integral part of Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The Institute supports dynamic pan-European partnerships, EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities, composed of leading companies, research labs and universities each dedicated to solving a pressing global challenge, from climate change to health, to renewable energy.