CLC Regions
Each of our six Co-Location Centres covers different European territories. CLCs provide proximity and support to the CCSI innovation ecosystem in their respective regions.
Horizon Europe Associated countries
Third countries / regions
CLC Southwest - Barcelona, ES
Portugal, Spain, France (Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Corse, RUP FR — Régions Ultrapériphériques Françaises)
Latin America & the Caribbean
CLC Northwest - Amsterdam, NL
Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France (Ile-de-France, Centre — Val de Loire, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Normandie, Hautsde-France, Grand Est, Pays de la Loire, Bretagne)
United Kingdom, New Zealand
CLC North - Helsinki, FI
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Germany (Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen-Anhalt, and Schleswig-Holstein), Poland (Wielkopolskie, Zachodniopomorskie, Lubuskie, Kujawsko-pomorskie, Warmińsko-mazurskie, and Pomorskie)
Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway
CLC East - Kosice, SK
Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Poland (Małopolskie, Śląskie, Dolnośląskie, Opolskie, Łódzkie, Świętokrzyskie, Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Warszawski stołeczny, Mazowiecki regionalny)
Moldova, North Macedonia, Ukraine
CLC South East & The Alps - Vienna, AT
Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany (Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Sachsen, Thüringen)
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia
Switzerland, Asia and the Middle-East
CLC South - Bologna, IT
Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta
Albania, Armenia, Georgia, Israel, Kosovo, Montenegro, Tunisia, Turkey